The Real Estate Showcase: A Next Generation Ad Format

Throughout the last 4 years, we’ve learned a lot about what makes an ad format easy to use and easy to sell.

Today we’re announcing the release of 3 “next generation” ad formats: The Real Estate Showcase, The Billboard, and The Event Promotion formats are now available in the dashboard under the “Next Generation” category. The reason we’re calling them Next Generation?

  • The banner forms all support four classic IAB formats: 970×250, 300×600, 728×90, 300×250
  • They also support the cutting-edge IAB “flexible” sizes which take up as much space as it can and scales proportionally
  • They all work seamlessly on any device, including mobile
  • They are plug and play — so that means no designer is required, simply upload an image and add text
  • They have a large and prominent option, size and impact are enticing to advertisers
  • These are generally ready to run on your site today — you shouldn’t have to make any changes to your site to begin using them

This Real Estate format will enable you to display up to three properties and agent information. It is available in 300×250, 300×600, 728×90, 800×600, 970×250, and 4×1 (flexible).

Head on over to our ad formats page to embed The Real Estate Showcase in your media kit. In our next post, we look forward to showing you the new event promotion format!

Here are some previews:


The 4:1 is one of the IAB’s newest ad sizes. It can span the full width of the page or as much room as the page allows it. Even though it’s a rich media ad, it scales like an image. It’s great for the sea of devices that readers are on.


The 970×250 is a size we’re seeing more frequently in place of 728x90s as leaderboards. Broadstreet’s version of the 970×250 converts nicely to a 300×250 on mobile devices (give it a try).


Invented at Broadstreet, this is a prominent size to feature in-post, or in-stream. Think mid-story or at the end of the story.


The 300×600 is a great way of getting some extra prominence in the sidebar, as opposed to the 300×250.


The classic 300×250. Still a staple of digital advertising, we couldn’t possibly launch a new format without supporting this size.


There was a time when screen resolutions were low enough that 728×90 actually looked big! We support these for sites that still have 728x90s.


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